
“Women Who Need to Earn Their Own Living”: A Female Journalist Considers the New Woman at Work




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    This undated typescript draft of an article about women working in male-dominated professions was likely written in the first decade of the twentieth century by journalist Margaret B. 厄帕姆·赖特(1839-1919). 有杰出女性在商业上取得成功的例子, 法律, 医学, 和部, 这篇文章支持那些“去争取”自己权利的雄心勃勃的女性, “不满足于只做低贱的铁路信号女工, 铁路ticketsellers, 簿记员, 打字员和餐馆收银员." 莱特's narrative of professional female achievement dismisses the labor of non-elite white women, 以及大多数有色人种女性, 对他们来说,有工资的工作绝对是生存的必需品, 而不是个人成就或政治宣言的旅程.

    玛格丽特·B是谁. 莱特?

    出生在卡斯廷, 1839年嫁给希尔瓦纳斯·基德·厄普姆和玛丽安·布鲁克斯·厄普姆, Margaret Barker "Bertha" Upham 莱特 was a twice-widowed mother of two 和 no stranger to wage work herself when she drafted this article at the dawn of the twentieth century. 作为一个年轻的女人, she had married twice—both times to men who died early in the marriage—和 had one child with each husb和. 她的第二任丈夫死后,她没有再婚, working as a journalist to support the family 和 contributing to many publications including 艺术爱好者, 大西洋, 世纪》杂志, 的Chautauquan, Lippincott的, 外域月刊, 斯克里布纳尔出版社的,圣殿酒吧. 她也是《利记手机官网》的编辑人员 剑桥大学论坛 (剑桥,麻萨诸塞州). She traveled extensively in Europe with her adult children 和 the sole book she published was a travel memoir, 租用家具:在英国做一些经济的家务冒险 (Robert Brothers, 1897), dedicated to her "beloved companion of these hirings"—her son Charles. 支持妇女选举权的人, 1919年,赖特死于心脏病, 享年八十岁, 在她自己能够行使她新赢得的投票权之前.


    莱特's examples of women working draw from a jumble of occupations but overall share middle or upper-middle-class status. 这幅画中提到的十二位女性中的一位, 其中四位是部长, 两位建筑师, 一个是律师, 一个是出版商, 一个是药剂师——所有的职业都需要专门的培训. 剩下的四个, 两位是企业主, 一个是内河领航员, 一个在市政府工作. 这是美国女性“做事”的集体写照, 然后, 一位杰出的女性在当时被认为是男性的职业吗. 这些例子很可能都是白人, 他们都不在工厂工作, 在家政服务中, 当店员或秘书. 12人中有11人是当时新闻报道的对象, suggesting that 莱特 compiled most of her examples from existing print sources rather than boots-on-the-ground research. 按照赖特草稿中列出的顺序,这些女性是:

    索菲亚·布劳恩利希(1854-1898). 布劳恩里奇的讣告 工程与采矿学报 (1898年8月20日),将她描述为“身体虚弱的家庭”中的“非凡的心灵”.“在她44年的生命中, 布劳恩里奇在德国接受教育, 已婚及丧偶, 曾就读于帕卡德商学院, 被科学出版公司聘为文员. 在公司里,她一步步升为业务经理,现在是, 正如赖特所言, 她是第一位当选为伦敦帝国学院院士的美国女性.

    莉迪亚·塞克斯顿(1799-1894). Sexton served as both an unlicensed 和 formally licensed minister with the United Brethren Church in Ohio, 印第安纳州, 伊利诺斯州, 和堪萨斯州. At the age of seventy she became the first woman to serve as a prison chaplain at Kansas State Prison.

    安托瓦内特·布朗·布莱克威尔(1825-1921). Blackwell was a graduate of Oberlin College 和 ordained in 1853 when she was called to serve as minister of a Congregational church in South Butler, 纽约; she later became a Unitarian. 她积极参与废奴运动, 节制, 以及女权运动, 为选举权期刊撰稿 《利记手机官网》 由她的姐夫亨利·布莱克威尔和他的妻子露西·斯通出版.

    奥古斯塔J. 查宾(1836 - 1905). 查宾在青春期教书,并在奥利弗学院学习了两年. 她得了A.M. 在密歇根大学获得学位,并获得博士学位.D. at Lombard University; she was ordained as a Universalist minister. She was one of the directors of the World's Congress of Religions at the 1868 World's Fair in Chicago as well as a writer 和 lecturer. 她的讣告在 普遍主义者名册 (1906)将她称为“妇女选举权的捍卫者”,“一个旅行者兼导游, 以及“索罗西斯活跃而杰出的成员”,“职业女性俱乐部.

    爱丽丝·金尼·莱特(1870-1949). Another Universalist minister, 莱特 was a graduate of Canton Theological School at St. Lawrence University 和 was ordained alongside her first husb和, Alfred Ellsworth 莱特, in 1891. They served as co-pastors of the Church of the Reconciliation 和 Fifth Universalist Church, 都在布鲁克林, 纽约. 他们于1903年离婚,爱丽丝从牧师岗位上退休. In 1905 she married a Charles Hinman Graves (1839-1928); the couple left shortly thereafter for Sweden where Graves served as U.S. 1905年至1913年任大使.

    伊莉斯·默瑟(1868-1947). Mercur是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的一名建筑师. Educated in France 和 Germany as well as at the 宾西法尼亚 Academy of Fine Arts she designed 和 supervised construction of a number of buildings including the Woman's Building at the Cotton States & 国际博览会(亚特兰大,佐治亚州)在1895年,Y.W.C.A. 在锡拉丘兹的大楼, 纽约, 马歇尔西市家庭医院的儿童大楼, 宾夕法尼亚和圣. 匹兹堡的保罗圣公会教堂. At age thirty-four she married Karl Rudolph Wagner (1872–1949) 和 the couple had three children.

    朱丽叶除了. 哈格和她丈夫住在一起, 乔治·哈格船长, 在麦基岩的俄亥俄河岸边, 宾西法尼亚. 1898年,当她申请自己的飞行员执照时,她成了新闻人物. 而检查员一开始“发现了很多值得批评的地方,包括她“太年轻” ... 太娇小,太温柔,太优雅,太淑女, ... too much lacking on the whole of what one expects to see in the appearance of a boat's pilot," he reluctantly admitted that she had the requisite skill 和 granted her the license. 根据一个故事 纽约杂志和广告人 (1898年8月9日). Harger's chief interest was not the passengers, not the scenery, but in the pilot 和 engine rooms...她渴望在土木工程方面提高自己的知识."

    A.E. 保罗(1843? - 1912). A. Emogene Paul似乎是伊利诺伊州人, 从1863年到1890年结婚,当时她要么丧偶,要么离婚. 她有两个孩子. 市教团的成员, a citizen's group seeking to improve the sanitary conditions of Chicago's public spaces, Paul moved into a formal position with the Chicago Health Department overseeing street cleaning 和 garbage collection. 一份当代的报告 美式厨房 (February 1898) suggests she was motivated in her work by the death of one of her children from diptheria.

    劳拉·C. 布什. 1892年注册为药剂师, 布什最终“接管了以前由她父亲经营的药房”, 马丁L. 布什”(默克公司的报告 卷. 6, 1898). 药剂师通函及化学宪报 (1898年12月)指出,“劳拉C. 芝加哥罗杰斯公园的布什报告说,过去一个月生意有所改善. Miss 布什 has been in business since 1892 和 was formerly connected with the city dispensary. 她的商店是一家现代化的商店,她与时俱进."

    玛丽安·塞西莉亚·蒂雷尔. In 1880, Tirrell became the first female graduate of the Chicago College of Pharmacy 和 also served as treasurer of the Women Pharmaceutical Association of 伊利诺斯州. 制药时代 (1912年2月)报道说. 和夫人. 蒂勒尔从事毒品生意多年, illustrating well the success that may come through combined effort 和 united interest." Celia 和 her husb和 Charles Tirrell are listed 并排 in the Cook County list of registered pharmacists for the year 1913.

    安妮·克莱恩·里克特(1840-1906). 他出生在密西西比州一个拥有棉花种植园的家庭, Rickert served as a spy for the Confederacy during the Civil War 和 was briefly arrested by the Union Army. Following the war she settled in California where she worked mining silver 和 然后 eventually incorporated the Stockton 和 Tuolumne County Railroad Company.

    A.J. 阿特伍德. 根据一篇发表在 每个星期 (1916年5月15日). A. J. 阿特伍德 was widowed in 1894 with a daughter to support 和 was encouraged to open an employment agency for itinerant laborers. The business eventually exp和ed to a chain of offices 和 阿特伍德's daughter eventually joined her in the family business. 看起来,《利记手机官网》记者评论道, "that this business of fitting a man in the right niche is one of the most important in the modern system of efficiency."

    罗莎莉·勒夫·惠特尼(1873-1939). 惠特尼出生于纽约,父母是移民, 曾就读于亨特学院和纽约大学, 获得律师资格后,她加入了父亲的律师事务所,成为合伙人. She joined the 纽约 Legal Aid Society in 1897 和 in 1901 became the Society's acting attorney in chief—the first woman to hold the position. 她认识了她的丈夫特拉维斯·惠特尼(Travis Whitney),当时他是该组织的志愿者. After their marriage in 1903 the couple continued to practice 法律 和 both enjoyed long careers in public office.

    她能做到吗?? 马萨诸塞州就妇女的投票权进行辩论

    纪念马萨诸塞州批准第19修正案100周年, a new exhibition at the Massachusetts Historical Society explores the activism 和 debate around women's suffrage in Massachusetts. 以MHS收集的动态图像为特色, “她能做到吗??马萨诸塞州就妇女的投票权进行辩论 说明了选举权问题双方的热情. 该展览将于4月26日至9月21日在卫生部举行, 2019, 星期一至星期六, 从上午10点到下午4点. 免费入场. 请查看 利记APP官网手机版的日历 了解更多有关展览和相关项目的信息.


    多伊奇,萨拉. 《女性与城市:1870-1940年波士顿的性别、空间和权力. 牛津大学出版社,2000年.

    Edlin-莱特,罗威娜. “介绍” 有风的多 玛格丽特·B. 莱特. Smallprint 2018.

    玛格丽特B号. 赖特的论文, 1868-1920, 包含在莱特家族文件中,由私人信件组成吗, 日记, 法律和金融文件, 出版和未出版的作品, 以及对她发表的作品的一些评论和回应.

    玛格丽特·B·赖特. 租用家具:在英国做一些经济的家务冒险 (罗伯茨兄弟,1897).